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Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm moving and I promise to post more. Well, try to anyway.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Playing With Fire

Started a new story on bullying titled Playing with Fire. I'm really excited but I'm writing it as a short story before I write it as a novel.

It's told in one of the bully's pov.

A maybe cover:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Attention Writers

Entangled Publishing is accepting Novellas for YA-romance. 20-40K max. Check it out.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

tragically beautiful

New title for one of my books: Tragically Beautiful.  I really think it fits. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Switched at Birth

I just finished all of the season 1 (so far) of Switched at Birth and I have to say it's the best show ever. I am in loooove. Big time.  The deaf part of it is done superbly. I love reading the subtitles and watching how Emmett and Daphne communicate with emotion especially they they are fighting, but most of all I love Emmett and Bay. They are so cute. Emmett is deft and Bay is hearing and before Bay he could care less about being around the hearing and though it is hard Bay is learning to sign and they can communicate.

There is a Daphne, Emmett and Bay triangle but I think he belongs with Bay. Daphne has been with like 3 different guys or more while Emmett waited for her for eight years. It's time for him and Bay to shine.

If you don't know Bay and Daphne were switched at birth. I loooooove this show. I stayed up till 7 am watching it and was wired I couldn't sleep. On the plus my mind went wandering and I now have a new story idea and no it's nothing like Switched at Birth.

There will be no long lost family members in my book.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It's 3:17 am and I just finished writing notes for Saving Juliett. I started at 2:44 am and am now at almost 3000 words. I'm so excited to write and finish this story. NEVER have i know how a story will end before I wrote it.

I'm so excited. I sketched out two pitches two but they kinda suck and will need help tomorrow. I'm so pumped for this book. Just have to keep ABH in my back pocket with editing and such. I need for it to be perfect. (something it will never be).

I love ABH but I might love SJ more.

Arrrg okay, must sleep now!